Wonderful wintry running

You may have thought that the UK racing calendar had run out of marathons, and that we would not be hearing from Anna until 2010 (now no longer an adaptation of an Arthur C. Clarke sequel but a year coming to your neighbourhood in a few weeks).
If so, you were wrong…

brrrr! It’s getting a bit chilly out.
It wasn’t too cold out on Sunday for a nice run though:
The ‘Winter in Wheathampstead’ on Sunday was my first 100-club-only marathon (I was allowed to enter as a ‘wannabe’ member, having done over 50 marathons). It was great as I knew lots of the other people there, having met them at other marathons over the past few years. It was a very pleasant countryside course of three different loops back to the village hall checkpoint, with some pretty woods and not too many stiles nor too much mud. I did manage to get stung by an electric fence though. Ouch. A slow one (5:21) but a most enjoyable day out. I like wintry weekends.
Hope you’re enjoying the crisp fresh air
-finishes Anna, as the rest of us huddle under as many blankets/duvets/dogs we can muster….
