For Vegans

it’s time to run

Vegan Runners is one of the largest and most active vegan communities in the UK, reaching across the nation and beyond.  Joining the club will help you connect with other vegans and enjoy a healthy and adventurous lifestyle.

We believe that running in the black-and-green vest with a smile on your face is one of the most positive ways to promote cruelty-free living.

The Vegan Society provides a guide to why you should adopt an active lifestyle.

You may think that you’re not a runner but you will probably surprise yourself.  Our local groups have supported many vegans to become Vegan Runners and join the biggest and best community in sport.

If you still aren’t convinced, take a look at the beginners’ section below for more advice and inspiration.

Getting started is easier than you might think

For Beginners

Taking up running might seem quite daunting at first but we know you’ll grow to love it.

The best advice we can give is to get out there and enjoy it.  If it gets too much, walk for a while, it gets easier.  There is no rush and no need to set yourself targets.

If you enjoy structure, you might want to try the Couch to 5K program which will build you up gradually to be able to run 5 km after 9 weeks.  After that, there will be no stopping you!

If you need some inspiration, contact us or join our Facebook groups.  Get to one of your local group’s meetups; even if you only come for the breakfast you will find the group so welcoming and supportive.

Your feet and your joints will thank you for investing in running socks and suitable running shoes.  Hopefully, our guide to selecting the right shoes will help.

You will probably also find it helpful to warm up before and cool down after your run.  This Youtube channel may be useful.

Join Us

A club for vegan runners of all abilities

Whether you’re a vegan who wants to get active, a runner who wants to save the world or a vegan runner who hasn’t signed up yet, join us now and be awesome.