Sid DeLara has been flying the VRUK flag for healthy hearts
The British Heart Foundation regularly hold running events all over the UK. I was at one of their meets today Sunday March 1st . The Wilton House (near Salisbury) 5 and 10k Cross Country.
These BHF events are ideal for running in a Vegan Runner Vest. People are turning up more focused than usual on health and 80% of participants opt for running in the free issued BHF T Shirt, also there are not many club vests on display.
Nice Sunday morning run around the scenic grounds of a big country house. Problem with a cross country where people choose either to run one lap for 5k or 2 laps for 10k is that it gets a bit confusing trying to work out how many runners are ahead of you in the 10k, with x country your field of vision becomes restricted at various points.
With this event no results or official times were provided . So after finishing and talking to a few other runners who finished just in front of me , i was able to work out that i came in about 6th about a minute to a minute and a half behind the winner. So it seems at about 8k i was lying second but the acid test of the event was a big nasty hill at this point that had to be climbed twice and on lap 2 it definitely got the better of me.
Time: 44mins 20secs .
Overall Position: 6th