Wellingborough Multi-terrain Series Round 3, 17 Feb

Verna Burgess Wins the Super-Vets Category in the 15K event

It was the final race of the series and I was joined by my son Stephen and husband Michael for this one who were doing 5k and 15k respectively. It was a beautiful spring day, almost warm and a contrast to heavy snow (race 1,unable to get to this one) and rain (race 2). Parts of the course were still tricky though. The start is downhill and was very slippy and muddy as was the only hill about a kilometre into the race.
There was a good turnout again of about 300 runners. When “running away from home” I always wear my vest for Vegan Runners and it was great that Bruce and Peter came to support me.
As in the last race I settled into a pace I was comfortable at and maintained it consistently. It did not feel superfast though and so I was surprised to be under 24mins after the first lap. I briefly entertained the notion of getting under 70 mins but finished in 72.10, just a bit less than 3 minutes quicker than last time. Michael finished in 58.44 and Stephen in 19.44.
Final stats:
5K – Stephen,  6/87
15K – Michael 6/120, 1st vet, 1stsuper vet
15K – Verna 48/120, 4th female, 2ndvet female, 1st super vet female

Photos by Peter Simpson

Burgess Family in the Top 10!

Verna collects her vegan sports nutrition prize!

Verna Approaches the Finish

Verna finishes with Energy to Spare

Verna on the last lap

Happy Burgess Family!