Vegan Runners claim podium place in one of the UK’s toughest marathons


Bob Neill, who claimed third place

Vegan Runners Newcastle claimed third place and fielded an impressive turn-out in one of the country’s most brutal trail runs.

Eight members of the Newcastle branch braved temperatures as low as -11 on the inaugural Wooler Train Run – dubbed “The Beauty and The Beast” – in The Cheviots.

Vegan Runner Bob Neill finished third place in the marathon event – a 28.5-mile route taking in 6,063ft of elevation – with a time of 04:29:34.


Adam Malloy

The race took place in the desolate mountain range which straggles the border between Northumberland and Scotland.

The route saw runners climbing The Cheviot – the highest summit in the range – as well as a number of other steep ascents, including Yeavering Bell, a peak which is home to wild mountain goats.



Steffen Haugk

The extreme temperatures saw runners’ hair and jackets freeze, with competitors tackling frozen bogs and thick ice.

The club’s Adam Malloy, James Bailand, Steffen Haugk, Chris Bryson and Mark Trewick also took part in the marathon event.


Rosie Frater and Ross Robertson

Vegan Runners Rosie Frater and Ross Robertson completed the half marathon course, a 14-mile route taking in 2,434ft of elevation.

By Ross Robertson


Chris Bryson, Bob Neill and Mark Trewick
