Anna “marathon schmarathon” Finn is now on the hard stuff…
I did my first ever ultra run, the Country to Capital 45 mile ultra from Wendover in Buckinghamshire to Paddington, London. The first half was cross country with mud, hills, stiles, gates, navigation, puddles, roots, streams, fields… and then we got onto the canal towpath for some far less testing terrain. I had never run longer than a marathon before so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed the day. The views were great and I felt comfortable the whole way – I guess the many, dark, cold early-morning hours of training paid off. And I was pretty chuffed with my finishing time of 8 hours, 46 minutes and 33 seconds. It turns out I rather like ultra running – a good thing as I have a 40 miler booked for 1st February…
Well done Anna and good luck for Feb! I have to go and lie down now… – Ed