Scottish VRUK at Loch Ness Marathon, 30 Sep

Peter reports on VRUK’s presence at the 2012 Loch Ness Marathon where two of our experienced Scottish Vegan Runners ran. For Craig Wallace it was almost home soil and for John Fulham it was about as far north as he travel from the Central Lowlands.

Craig reported on Facebook UK VR group: At the finish of the Loch Ness Marathon. Time of 4:19:33. Not quite as fast as I had hoped, a bit slower than last year. But good fun anyway, a nice event as usual.” A good photo of Craig at the finish giving Vegan Runners maximum exposure!

Becoming an annual event for Craig

As for John Fulham, wow!, I thought 3.23 was a good PB but how did he manage to lower that by 20 minutes? A fantastic improvement, must have had a very good period of training and racing plus good weather to round it off? Deserving of the bagpipes!

John did comment later about buying a VR vest as John is 2nd claim, normally running for Carnegie Harriers, one of top Scottish clubs. They must have been proud of John, hopefully they will reward him for that performance at the end of year awards..