Quick Debut for Simon Sally at Sheffield, 27/5/12

New member Simon Dally from Bolton, runs the Sheffield Half Marathon in 1:24:39, one of VRUK top performances so far in 2012. Position 72 / 5737 and 8th in his V40 five year age group. Also running here for VRUK was Malcolm Peet in 2.14.08 and 15th V65.

For member’s information, apart from our runners’ results on the spreadsheet, a recent history of our England Athletics registered members is automatically maintained on the RunBritain / Powerof 10 website at http://www.runbritainrankings.com/runners/runnerslookup.aspx . To view the details of members’ performances you will need to register on http://www.thepowerof10.info/results/resultslookup.aspx .
