Questions and Answers

Question and Answer List

Q1. What are the benefits of ‘Club Membership Only’ ?
A1. This is the minimum membership to buy Vegan Runners kit, helping to raise awareness of veganism. In non-licensed events such as park runs, the runner can be part of the team with the club name listed in results. Some running businesses give discounts to members of clubs on production of a membership card. The membership fees are one of the lowest offered by running clubs. Members are put in contact with local VRUK groups / contacts, most have a Facebook group. Members can decide later to upgrade their VRUK membership to include UKA / EA registration via the club.

Q2. What are the limitations of ‘Club Membership Only’?
A2. The member is not recognised as ‘First Claim’ for Vegan Runners UK when entering licensed events, the member has to pay the full price and will be listed as an ‘Unattached Runner’ or no club name will be quoted for the member in any published list. The member’s position will not be included in any team results. Some businesses do not accept a member’s club number for discount purposes.

Q3. What are the benefits of ‘England Athletics Registration’? [For members in Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland go to Q9 & Q10.]
A3. When entering licensed events, by quoting your allocated 7-digit UKA/EA registration number, the member is given a £2 or £3 discount. The member is listed as a Vegan Runner in results and will help form a team depending on the numbers of members and minimum size for a team result. The member can enter club events that are open to EA registered members such as cross country championships and leagues. Logging onto your EA account you will see other discounts available from businesses. Depending on the options chosen on your EA account, you can receive the latest information on running services provided by EA, tickets for international events, etc. You can setup a Vegan Runners account on the website Run Britain where results from your registered events will be recorded and see results of other Vegan Runners.

Q4. My membership category is ‘Club Membership Only’ but I want to register with England Athletics. What do I need to do?
A4. If you have not previously been registered with England Athletics, we can immediately register you on receipt of the current EA fee. Send a confirmation e-mail to the club that you wish to become EA registered for Vegan Runners UK. Timing is also crucial if you join in the Autumn say, your first registration payment will only last until 31 March next year. Depending on the number of registered events you wish to enter in the next few months, it may be worth waiting until January to obtain 14-15 months of registration i.e. your registration will be carried forward on 1 April, the start of the new year. If you wish to go ahead now, pay the club using your normal payment option otherwise if the member agrees, the club will wait until January to register you.

Q5. What is a 2nd Claim Member?
A5. It relates to England Athletics registration, the member is already registered to run for another registered club.

Q6. I have previously been registered with England Athletics, what do I need to do?
A6. Log on to your EA account that will still exist using (for assistance e-mail and it will gives details of your previous / currents clubs. Select the option ‘Club Transfer’ to start the process of switching 1st claim clubs i.e. your default club for licensed events. There will be a £10 administration fee payable to EA if you have been registered in the last few years. Your previous club may need to approve your release and transfer which is done on-line via your account.
Once EA has received your completed transfer request and if necessary the £10 fee, your transfer to Vegan Runners UK will go ahead and we will have access to your EA account from midnight the following day. If you have entered future events whilst a member of your previous club, you will need to contact the organiser to update the club name. Organisers of events you are about to enter may also not have the latest download of registered runners.

Q7. I am currently a member of a registered club, when should I apply for a transfer to Vegan Runners UK?
A7. It depends on timing and when you wish to enter events for VRUK. Later in the year it may be best to wait until March for a transfer on 1 April. When you are ready to proceed with the transfer, logon to your EA account select ‘Club Transfer’ and follow the instructions. The administration fee of £10 will also be payable to England Athletics otherwise your registration fee paid via your current club will be carried forward to VRUK and cover you up to the end of March. If you are joining before December, you just pay the ‘Club Membership Only’ fee. In March or later when renewing or joining for the first time you pay both the Club Membership & EA Registration fees to VRUK.

Q8.I would like to continue to represent my local club where they have a team but occasionally run for Vegan Runners. Is that possible?
A8. In non-registered events like Parkruns you can select ‘Vegan Runners’ in your profile and similarly for non-licensed events enter ‘Vegan Runners’ if it asks for a team or club. In licensed events where your club is not entering a team, you can potentially wear the Vegan Runners kit although results will list you as running for your local registered club.

Q9. I live in one of Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland and would like to be UKA registered for Vegan Runners UK. Choose one of the options A9a, A9b or A9c.
A9a. Register with England Athletics via Vegan Runners UK to receive the normal discounts using your 7-digit number and represent VRUK. If the entry form asks for WA number, SA number or NI number, your EA number should be valid as a UKA number or URN. As an EA registered member, entry into Welsh, Scottish or Northern Ireland championships will not be permitted although you maybe allowed to enter as a guest or non-championship runner.

A9b. To compete in Welsh, Scottish or Northern Ireland championships, firstly register with EA via Vegan Runners UK and then contact your home country’s governing body, informing them that you are registered with EA as a member of Vegan Runners UK and would like to compete in your local home country’s national championships. You will need to register again with your local home governing body as an individual but VRUK will refund your EA fee once you are registered. For Wales based runners visit, Scotland visit and Northern Ireland base visit

A9c. I am already UKA registered for a club in one of Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. Go to your home country website as above and ask for form to switch to an English club. You will be required to pay the appropriate admin fee. When an entry form asks for your WA number, SA number or NI number, your EA / UKA number should be valid for discounts and to represent VRUK.

Q10. I do not live in the UK and do not have a British passport.
A10. Vegan Runners UK is currently not accepting applications from non-UK based runners who are not British passport holders.

Q11. I am a British passport holder living outside the UK. Can I register with England Athletics?
A11. If you are going to be visiting the UK for some events, you could also register with EA.

Q12. I live and work in the UK but I am not a UK passport holder? What are my options for membership?
A12. You can register with Vegan Runners as a foreign athlete costing £10 that we forward to England Athletics and you receive the same benefits as British runners otherwise select category ‘Club Membership Only’.

Membership Rates

Adult (not including affiliation to England Athletics)£6
Adult (including affiliation to England Athletics, £6 + £17)£23
Concession (not including affiliation to England Athletics)£4
Concession (including affiliation to England Athletics, £4 + £17)£21
Household Membership: (£9 + £17 per EA Affiliation)from £9

