Northern England Meet-up

Phil Davies reports back on a cracking Northern VRUK meet-up:

Kildwick meet-up group

Thirteen Vegan Runners UK members and family members from across the North of England got together on Saturday 11th April for a social run and vegan feast in Kildwick near Skipton. It was a great get-together with people travelling from Sheffield, Leeds, Liverpool and the Lake District. Six of us went on a scenic run across Farnhill Moor then on the Leeds & Liverpool canal towpath, while the others (and three dogs) went for a walk by the canal. Then we had a huge feast of all the food everybody had brought with them which lasted several hours! We’re planning more social events in the Peak District and Lake District soon.

VRUK North of England members will get details by email. If you’re not yet a member of VRUK,  join up now if you’d like to come.

Kildwick meet-up lunch

Kildwick meet-up runners