Message for anyone not listed on the diary as entered or you would to support our meet-up after the run.
We know of six vegan runners in the Birmingham Half Marathon scheduled for this Sunday starting at 9am from the City Centre near the National Indoor Area. Our listed runners include: Phil Griffiths, Kevin White, Chris Dhondee, Cedric David, Joel Lawson (contact) & myself. If you are running and not listed it would be useful to inform me on the club e-mail address or send a text. For details of the event and route visit
otherwise it basically goes south of the city centre and returns via Cannon Hill Park.
At the finish there are official meeting points in Brindley Place, signposted adjacent to the National Indoor Arena. We will be aiming to meet here from 11am and move onto a cafe at 11.30am or earlier if we have all met. I am not sure if the meeting points are labeled according to the alphabet, I will assume so and aim for the one that includes ‘V’. Hopefully my mobile will be working so you could contact me on 07967 589663.