Last call for 2009 results

Happy New Year (in advance) to all our vegan runners, and….
…. if you have any stray results for ’09 that you have not, for some reason, sent me yet, please send them in now. (to maria8hamilton AT gmail DOT com). The results spreadsheet for ’09 will close on New Year’s Day (*) – Jan 1st 2010 (**).

It would be much appreciated(***) if they could be formatted as follows:

Date          Event            Runner    Time      Pos.         Age Cat. Age Cat. Pos. Distance

25-Jan-09 R.Vasey 10 Chris Tofu 01:23:45 111/222  fv75          1/3                        10 miles

(leave the age category & age category position blank if you don’t know). Also, please say if you were running for another of your clubs in that race.

Happy New Year to all! Race reports & photos also welcome, but as late as you like 😀
– Maria

(*) apart from genuine special circumstances such as New Year’s Eve races, end of year breaks spent doing good works without internet access, swine flu while running animal sanctuaries, etc etc.
(**) now a real year! No longer a Major Hollywood Movie!
(***) by my middle-aged aching hands that have to shovel sudden rushes of data
