Message from Sid Delara on his latest 5Ks:
Brooks Serpentine , Hyde Park London 5k.
Held Last Friday of every month. Just £2 entry in advance, 12:30pm start. Underground to Hyde Park Corner and you are there. Nice weather, well marshalled, a few twists and turns and minor undulations. Nice long finishing straight allowing you to pick up speed and attack the 5k line. Thus a quick finish provided me with a sub 20 mins time for first time this year.
Brooks Serpentine Last Friday 5k March 30th. Sidney DeLara , 19minutes 58seconds, 62nd/262 MV 55 2nd. Age Grade 77.6%
Bournemouth Bay 5k Sunday April 1st.
Decided to attend this event at the last minute, some fellow runners participating in the 1/2marathon, there was also a 10k but for both no entry on the day. So only option was the 5k fun run for which no results or times would be provided but it was a measured course. Straight along sea front starting at Bournemouth Pier going past Boscombe Pier before turning at 2.5k and heading back.
Good opportunity as regards propaganda value as a big crowd of spectators assembled , on start line my Vegan Runners Vest the only club vest on show. So running a consistent pace from start to finish i led the other runners from the off maintaining that position until finish line. Another sub 20 mins but again only by seconds. Bit problematic running back to Bournemouth pier as had to negotiate the 1/2 marathon runners who where still out on the course en mass.
Bournemouth Bay 5k (fun run) Sunday April 1st , Sidney DeLara, Winner (and not even a fun runner) , (my watch) 19mins 54secs.