Fiona's Double Pole Marathon Challenge

Message from the Tower Hill Stables Animal Sanctuary


Following her success in the Sahara Desert last year when she became the first lifelong female vegan to complete the grueling Marathon des Sables, Fiona now has her sights firmly set on the challenge of both the North Pole and the Antarctic Marathon (see attached picture).


The North Pole Marathon will be in April & South Pole in October.


These are expensive events to enter, but thankfully the organisers have waived the entry fee of 12,000 odd Euros for the North Pole Marathon as they are so impressed with Fiona’s incredible achievements and commitment to charitable causes.


Please help us to publicise this event as this is an awesome opportunity for Fiona to show the World that choosing to live on a plant based diet is not prohibitive to the kind of performance a body needs to not only compete in these events, but do well too. Fiona holds 4 Marathon course records !


If you would like to be a part of this and sponsor Fiona we would be very grateful


Fiona wants to raise as much as possible to help with the feed costs of the 400 rescues at Tower Hill Stables Animal Sanctuary (Click on the link to go to the Sanctuary Site)




Martin Morgan
