Endure 24 Relay – call for runners

An chance to participate in a vegan team event this summer from Matthew Toy:

Hi everyone. If you recall, some time ago I organised an 8 person all-vegan team for next year’s Endure24.co.uk run. It is time for me to put in the names and after a bit of checking, I’ve got 5 people (including me!) confirmed – 2 men and 3 women. So I’m looking for 3 extra people, male or female, to run in the race. Anyone able to do 10k in about an hour (or less! less is good!) would be fine. Date is 28/29th June 2014. Let me know either on this thread or directly if interested.

If interested please contact Matt over the next week,  details are on the club contact list, he can be found on our facebook group or send a message via the MEMBERS News option on this website’s contact form.