Anna has now got 7 out of the 10in10 out of the way.
It was always going to be mentally tough on day 7. We all struggled to some extent today. Plus a few niggly bits are starting to be sore on my shins. About 8 miles in I felt something twang in my groin, which made it less fun running for the next 5 miles till I got some ice spray and gel from the physios. But I’ve got it better than several of the other who are suffering with all sorts of painful injuries, so I’ll quit moaning now!
I decided at halfway not to go for another sub 4, which actually made it feel easier mentally, as the pressure was off a bit. I let myself walk up a few more hills too, as a treat. Still made it in 4:01 and more than happy with that.
Very sleepy now. I’ll be having some quality time with the physios after dinner, then as early a night as I can get after that. Just a couple more of these runs around the pond, then we’re doing The Windermere Marathon on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing lots of Fetchies and 100 club and other runners I know there.