Charing 10k 2010 – at last out of the oven

We hear from Keith Gilbert who at last has got a run at a race in less than oven-like conditions.

                   On Saturday [4 September] I ran The Charing 10k. This is a new race organized by Nice Work from Peasmarsh in Sussex. It is a very scenic route with a sharp hill ascending to The North Downs Way at around 4.5km, after that their is some pleasant trail running for about 3km before a general descent on country lanes to the finish. The start/finish was held at the village primary school and I think the race was to raise funds for the school. After two disappointing hot weather runs this summer I was quite happy to come in at 53:29. 118th in 212 finishers.
                   Before the race a gentleman from The Vegetarian Cycling & AC introduced himself to me, it transpired that he had met Peter and was himself 75 years old and running regularly.   
[Keith did not say whether he’d beaten this chap or not….. ;D ]
He adds…
                    On Sunday I will be running in the Wingham 10k
so look out for him there if you’re going.