Burton 10 – race report by Stewart Boulton

SB writes:

The Burton 10                                25th May 2008

Nothing ventured, nothing gained… It’s good to try something new… it was these types of cheesy (or should that be cheezley?) sayings that made me decide to enter my first ever 10 mile race.  Even though, May saw my 5th Anniversary as a Runner I had NEVER entered a 10 mile race.  After all, I’d done a dozen 10K’s and half-a-dozen Half Marathons, and surely a 10 mile race would sit somewhere quite comfortably in between!  Also, when you run a new distance for the first time, you’re guaranteed a PB!

So after scouring Runners World Event Finder, I decided to pluck for a local race within the Midlands (Surprise! Surprise!), a 10 mile undulating road race in the beer making capital of England, Burton-on-Trent!  Running and Beer… a perfect Sunday!!

After venturing up the A444 nice n’ early, I arrived in a quiet town that hadn’t yet seemingly woken-up and was slightly concerned as I was the ONLY car in the car park!  However, once I’d “paid n displayed” and walked around the corner, I found everyone… plus a cark park that was closer… and cheaper!  D’oh!!

I have to say in all my years of running, this race provided some of the best facilities yet.  It was situated next to a Sports Centre which provided most of the essentials… changing rooms, showers, lockers, refreshments etc.  Plus closer to the start line there was a Race HQ marquee which also included a shop from Derby Runner which had some absolute bargains (hence my new 2130’s!).  It was all going splendid and I just hoped the race would go as well as I set-off from the start line…

The race consisted of 2 x 5 mile laps in and around the town, the first of which was through the greens and paths of the Sports Centre and adjacent Park, then over a couple of bridges that took you over the River Trent that snaked its way through the terrain.  After that, the rest of the route consisted of roads around the town centre, streets through nearby housing estates and then finally along the River again back into the Park which returned you to the Sports Centre for your second lap.  At which point, you got a boost from the cheering crowds who spurred you on for your second time around.

The second lap was much the same as the first, apart from the fact that once you reached the park for the final time everyone put on their “finishing” pace, giving it one last push for their best time & position, me included.  I reached the finish in a time of 1:12:21 and a position of 80th.  As it was my first ever 10 miler I was assured a PB, but truth be known I was pleased with the time as I had set myself a target of 1:14… and a well deserved beer afterwards!

All in all, my first 10 miler was an enjoyable experience, so much in fact that I was quick to enter another one, The Trentham 10, a report for which is coming soon to a blog near you…