AV-Abendvolkslauf 10K: Uelzen, GER
Friday June 14th.
2 Laps around town centre, the local football team putting down a white line with arrows for the complete route, so no chance of getting lost. Main hazard in the old town centre was the cobblestones. Chip timing involved putting a band on each shoe, not sure why , difference in time between which foot crosses finish line first? A 5K run had started 10 minutes before the 10k so had to run around avoid the slower runners in that event after about 3k. As it was an evening run not too hot. Managed to finish in a time just outside my seasons best and win the age cat.
Sidney DeLara Uelzen 10k 41 mins 41secs. 15th/142 runners Vet Male 55 1st.
Wednesday June 26th
Run around grounds of IBM Business Park, which mainly involves running through carparks.
Got to 2k in 7 mins 38secs but slowed a bit and started to get a bit shaky and queasy toward 3k, think I got it wrong not eating enough closer to the event so had hunger pangs as well. Crossed finish line to record a time of 19mins 46secs , which is exactly same time as when i last ran the course in April.
Sidney DeLara Lakeside 5k Portsmouth 19mins 46secs 59th/156runners Vet Male 55 3rd.
LORDSHILL 10k , Southampton
Sunday June 30th.
Teamed up with Noel Grimley again who is incrementally improving over this distance. Decided to hang on in behind him from the start because it looked good, 2 Vegan Runners in tandem. Noel was going well. Managed to stay with him until just after 2k but then began to suffer and to slow to such an extent that I decided to drop out, not feeling particularly inspired to get around and finish just for the sake of it and record a bad time.
Noel continued onward to record a PB again, on what according to the race organisers was the hottest day of the year in Southampton. Reckon he will be breaking the 40 mins barrier soon. That’s Noel in the shades.
Noel Grimley Lordshill 10k 41mins 44secs(PB) 58th/358runners Vet Male 40 21st.