Andi Gaywood writes:
This is the second time I have done this event and enjoy the location and the unusual 16 mile distance done over 2 laps. The March event is good preparation for the London Marathon and gives the legs a good run out before the FLM.
Saying that I did make 2 fundamental errors even for a runner at my plodding pace. Fistly due to work issues I forgot to eat properly the day before and secondly I set off running about a minute quicker than I have done before for the first 8 miles. These 2 basic errors meant at the 10 mile stage I was out of energy and needed to come up with a plan. I struggled round the next 3 miles to the 13 mile water station where I stopped before I would eventually fall down. I managed to scrounge a couple of bananas from a couple of helpers and also a couple of drinks to enable me to get some needed energy in me. I walked the next mile from 13- 14 to allow the food and drink to take effect and then started to jog again.
I finished a bit slower than my previous time but that was due to the 13 – 14 mile walking bit. I was happy to finish and enjoyed the run.