Applicants for London Marathon Club Places

The club has just applied for its allocation of 2012 London Marathon entries, normally the club receives two dependent on the number of 1st claim members and being a registered club. If you have been unsuccessful through the ballot or for some reason was not included in the ballot, you have a chance via the club. Our allocation policy takes into account a number of factors:

  1. A paid-up member for 2011
  2. Unsuccessful in the ballot
  3. 1st claim member or represent VRUK in some events
  4. Will be wearing the VRUK top/vest
  5. Have at least shown the ability to train for and complete a marathon
  6. Have been active for the club in 2011
  7. How many and when the applicant last ran London
  8. A first time runner in London Marathon

Being a suitable applicant does not mean you need to satisfy all conditions. The more applicants received, the more attention we will need give to decide who satisfies most of these conditions. The new committee will decide on the allocation but if they also wish to apply, other club volunteers could be drafted in to help decide.

All applicants should reply to the club and if it is not obvious indicate which conditions you meet. The entry forms have previously arrived towards the end of November and after allocation, they must arrive at the office of the London Marathon by 13 January to be accepted. The event is scheduled for 22 April, for more details visit Virgin London Marathon. Successful applicants will need to pay the entry fee, normally around £30.


Peter Simpson
Club Secretary
