Editor’s summary of Anna’s January racing otherwise visit Anna’s blog http://annakatfinn.blogspot.com/
Following Anna’s two marathons in the first two weeks of the January that could be described as her standard or shortest race distance, Anna stepped back up to ultra distance on 15 Jan with her third ‘Country to Capital’ 45 miles event from Wendover to Central London. This year Anna was a lot faster, 43 minutes in fact (time 8.00.52) than her 2010 run, less than a month following her chest infection. A week later (22/23 Jan) it was a double ultra on the Grand Union Canal or Ultra 90. On the Saturday, Anna ran the 45 miles from Northampton to Tring where runners stayed overnight and returned to Northampton the next day. Anna is familiar with the event having run it in Jan 2010. On the 1st leg Anna was 6 minutes faster in 8.41 and in the 2nd leg where she was a lot slower in 2010 (9.41), Anna was a lot more consistent, finishing in 8.46. In the 1st leg Anna was placed 47 / 92 who finished and in the 2nd 16 / 33, indicating that 45 miles was enough for most.