Anglezarke Amble (24m/3000ft), February 13th, LDWA event.

We hear from Ian Hodge who seems barely to have spent any time indoors this winter!

Another early start, then a short bike ride to the start. Starting from
Rivington Hall the route headed first up Winter Hill, then continued
eastwards to Entwistle Reservoir. Conditions underfoot were firm, thanks
to the frozen ground, and with a clear sky the views were fantastic. I
could almost see my house (well, the power station anyway).

One of the reasons that I like doing the LDWA events is the lack of
pressure, it’s a pleasant day out with good company and not that
competitive. Over the few years that I’ve been doing them they do seem
to be becoming more and more popular with runners. Maybe fell race
organisers need to take some tips?

From Entwistle it was a fairly dull trudge north west before hitting the
moor and heading for Darwen Tower. Again, thanks to the cold weather the
going was pretty good, with the occasional soft spot adding a bit of

With 18 miles down I was beginning to feel a bit tired but the next two
or so miles were downhill on good track. Then there was the normally
boggy slog up Great Hill, by this time a bit of thaw had set in making
the ground a bit more giving, which was welcome of the descent. From the
final checkpoint it was south along the eastern edge of the reservoirs.
The morning ice had gone and I soon found myself going across the final
field, and back to the start.

A good day out, plenty of food and an interesting and rewarding route.
At about 4:35 the time wasn’t great, but things are getting better,
slowly, but at least they’re getting better.
Good to hear that, Ian!
