The Hair Raiser in Shropshire, 27/3/11

Ed: Cathy Clements ran the Hair Raiser 10K at Kingswood near Albrighton. Originally the course was 5.6 miles but was changed late in the day to a more attractive 10K. Cathy reports:

…my time for the March Hair Raiser on Sunday was 1:05:58 which I was quiet pleased with as training had got off to a very slow start. I had to build from 3 miles to 6 miles in the space of 3 weeks which did mean my right knee was giving me quite a bit of jip so I was surprised I made it under 70 minutes. The day was perfect for running; cloudy, cool and dry, making for a comfortable race. I got a smashing Morf head scarf as a memento,…