We hear from Frances Humphries who has been circulating in Sevenoaks…
Just reporting in after walking the LDWA’S 30-mile Sevenoaks Circular – we completed the course in 8hrs 26mins. Once again the LDWA provided a smashing day out for very little money.
Said a brief ‘Hi’ to Anna Finn at registration before she sprinted off into the distance with the rest of the mad people who run these events – actually the route seemed to me one that would be good for runners, with quite a few long straight stretches on easy going paths and practically no hills, if I were slightly younger and my old man was not quite so anti-running I would be tempted to ‘have a go’ myself! [Having seen Frances in action I think she is quite young enough, granny or no! – Ed] As it is I will just watch with envy and in admiration.
We were blessed with perfect weather, the check points had some Vegan friendly treats (OK, bananas and dried fruit, beans on toast at the finish – but I’m not picky), and since most of the Essex and Herts group turned out it was a lovely sociable event for us. 
Of course, now I will have to try and get my running hat back on in order to take part in this Saturdays Hatfield House 10k. No rest for the wicked!,  I will not be expecting a ‘time’.
[Perhaps just some space then… Ed]
