Reminder of the AGM, 25 Oct, 2-6pm

Hi Members,

The Club’s AGM is scheduled for Sunday, 25 October from 2-6pm, venue as previous years, Transport House (HQ of the T&GWU), 128 Theobald’s Road, Holborn, London, the nearest tube is Holborn on the Central & Piccadily lines. For a map of the area click here. Note that the venue is near the junction with Southampton Row.

All paid-up members can attend so if you are available and within traveling distance, your presence is very important. Following the AGM we will be visiting the local vegan Chinese buffet in Theobald’s Road.

Following the club’s constitution, all members of the committee & other postholders will need to apply for re-election. A reminder that the Committee consists of the following people:

Club Secretary
Runners’ Secretary

and three general committee members. Non-committee positions currently include:

Clothing Secretary
Website Editor
Press Secretary
Diary Secretary
Vegan Services Secretary
Regional / Area Contacts (no formal election process at AGM)

Currently your Club Secretary performs several roles including most notably:
Treasurer, Membership and Clothing. If you feel you have the time and necessary skills to perform any of these duties or others listed please contact me. You need not attend to be elected. Note that the role of Vegan Services Secretary is vacant and one of the general committee posts.

It is our aim to issue the AGM Agenda by 19 October and the main reports e.g. Treasurer’s Report, Club Secretary, etc, early in the week.

Peter Simpson
Club Secretary
