We hear from SDL who is plagued by fate (and the race announcer tipping off the bloke he’s closing in on!)
Queen Mother Reservoir 5k series race 3 of 3. Tuesday July 13th.
Rather bizarre setting for this run, an elevated reservoir you cannot view until you get up to it. With Windsor Castle on the opposite side of the lake. The track around the reservoir not an easy running surface a mixture of gravel track and grasslike areas, so constantly trying to pick best line/surface for running.
Last year Sharon Davies [who some will remember or will know from racing in the south-east] was a 5k series winner at this event but although running on Tuesday she is not running for Vegan runners at present (although still a Vegan)
On Saturday i was MV50 2nd by 1 second so what is the likelihood of being MV50 2nd by just 1 second over the same distance just a few days later? very remote.
Yes I did it again, although on this occasion the bloke with loudspeaker on finish line announced I was closing fast on the runner in front , which did me no favours.
Queen Mother Reservoir 5k race 3 Tuesday July 13th.
Sidney DeLara
Position overall 11th
Time 19mins 26secs
MV 50 2nd (1 second behind MV 50 1st again “groan”).
Sharon Davies (Vegan)(ex Vegan Runner)
position overall 41st
Time 25mins 13secs.
woman senior 6th.
Last year Sharon Davies [who some will remember or will know from racing in the south-east] was a 5k series winner at this event but although running on Tuesday she is not running for Vegan runners at present (although still a Vegan)
On Saturday i was MV50 2nd by 1 second so what is the likelihood of being MV50 2nd by just 1 second over the same distance just a few days later? very remote.
Yes I did it again, although on this occasion the bloke with loudspeaker on finish line announced I was closing fast on the runner in front , which did me no favours.
Queen Mother Reservoir 5k race 3 Tuesday July 13th.
Sidney DeLara
Position overall 11th
Time 19mins 26secs
MV 50 2nd (1 second behind MV 50 1st again “groan”).
Sharon Davies (Vegan)(ex Vegan Runner)
position overall 41st
Time 25mins 13secs.
woman senior 6th.