Oxford Half 2014

Three Vegan Runners UK members ran in the Oxford Half marathon on 12th Oct – we totally failed to meet each other but it was a bit chaotic!

The start was delayed for about 20 minutes causing confusion and rumour amongst those of us nearer the back but when the PA was handed over to Sir Rodger Bannister to wish us luck he came over good and clear 🙂 The mile markers were rather inaccurate – mile 12 was way, way out – but otherwise the organisation was good. (Well we had a moan about the goodie bag but to be fair there were a couple of edible vegan things in there.)

An interesting course with a descent downhill along Iffley Road and a diversion round the track where Bannister ran his 4 minute mile. Crossing Magdalen Bridge was a bit congested but then a nice trip round Christ Church Meadow made for variety as did the return leg along the Thames Path. Four local bands and a choir had been enlisted to keep our spirits up and it wasn’t till the gradual climb up the cycle track by the southern bypass that I started tiring and I didn’t really struggle till the last mile or so.

  • Tim Green  1:29:01  192/4461
  • Nik Windle  1:55:56  2078/4461
  • Carla Prosser  2:10:55  3271/4461
Tim Green Oxford Half

Tim Green

Nik Windle Oxford Half

Nik Windle

Thanks to Barry Cornelius of oxonraces for the photos