Llanelli, Coventry, Hastings and Liverpool

Well done to Mike Tomkins for an excellent run at the Coventry Half last weekend, Mike reports:

“Last race today in a long while at least that I have registered for anyway.. Finished 38/2500 approx in the Coventry half marathon today, the hills & headwind between miles 5&8 were tough to say the least but I learnt lessons from previous races and conserved energy a little better until later on when I knew there would be some downhill/flat parts of the route. Anyway my time, my 2nd best HM time of 1 hour 23 minutes 16 seconds. I really feel that on a good day I can go below 80 minutes now.”

Meanwhile Liz Lockwood’s marathon preparations were going well with the tough Human Being Active 20 miler in Llanelli vanquished and maybe a new member recruited:

“Hey, all! I hope everyone has had an awesome weekend. I did the HBA 5-10-20 today. Completed the 20 mile route. It was really tough! First ten miles all uphill! I really struggled but pushed through and made it to the end. Clock time somewhere near 04:11:00. Was so pleased to finish. Felt like quite an achievement!

Also at the start of the event a vegan lady who was running the ten mile route approached me to say that she wanted to get the kit/potentially join VR but was worried she was too slow and wouldn’t be a good advert for the club! I reassured her that the club was for people of all speeds and goals — especially being one of the slower members myself! Sorry I didn’t get your name, but if you read this, it was lovely to meet you — it would be great if you’d consider introducing yourself.”

A PB of 2:01:10 for Barry Wheller at the Liverpool Half – that sub-2 is getting so close!

And a PB for Roxanne Potts at the hilly Hastings Half, Sam Wilson reports:

“Roxanne and I crossed the line together after bumping into each other at mile 2-3, with a great PB for her of 1:48:48. Hoping to find a photo once they’re up Hastings was a great race, very hilly though!!”
