Liverpool Rock'n'Roll – Barry Orr

Liverpool Rock n Roll Marathon – race report from Barry Orr

To echo my fellow vegan namesake Barry who has also blogged, this for the most part I thought was a 1st class race. At about £50, it’s a bit more expensive than the UK average, but many good points: good starting line organisation – going away in separate corals for large races I’d say is a good idea, one I’ve not always seen at many marathons elsewhere; good baggage store; great atmosphere around the course: good water and gel stations; and best medal I’ve had yet, from any marathon (see photo below 🙂 ) Minors? Fewer bands round the course than we’d hoped, and were advertised (not sure it made much of a difference really to me, but then I don’t listen to music generally when I’m running!); some confused marshalling apparently around mile 10 (again, not something I really noticed actually, but has been a point of interest on Runner’s World. Marshalling generally I thought was very good); Liverpool locals were surprisingly a bit scarce around some chunks of the course, except at the finish and the end; and…: where’s ma race t-shirt?! I guess somebody didn’t give me the goodie bag at the end, but then, I was in a dash to get to Lime Street station for the journey back to Pembrokeshire. Ah well. That dash by the way was responsible for not getting to meet with up with Duncan, Diana, and Barry: well done to all of you for making your race.

I’d definitely do this one again. Hopefully in proper running shoes. I realised (and went pale with horror when I did so!) that I had misplaced my newest pair. By luck(?) was walking round in a pair of old ones generally. Would they work? Was it possible? I hate pulling out of races (had to pull out of a few last minute last year medical reasons, which I absolutely hated). So, as I was fit enough, I felt I had no choice but to find out. Well… on the one hand, they did work 🙂 On the other, part of one of my shoes started to disintegrate around the course, and I got a few big blisters all told for my trouble. Ladies and gentleman, when those kind bloggers and road running experts say get a pair of appropriate running shoes… they’re not kidding!
Still, two of the most satisfying blisters I’d had. All for the vegan cause. For the most part, well done Liverpool! Good race, and I’d be happy to run this again.

Liverpool Medal - Barry Orr