Guildford Aquathlon, Friday, 2 July – John Bateson

John Bateson did a very prompt race report. Your editor is perhaps slightly less prompt at passing it on, for which please forgive…
The second of the very enjoyable and relaxed Friday evening aquathlons (500m swim 5k run). Many competitors are triathletics club members, so there was a lot of lycra about. For me, much the same story as last time; fastest swim time (though not a fast time!), and far from the fastest run. In fact my run was slower than last time (18.06 on a short 5k). Out of politeness, the guy who last time padded past me like I was walking set off a couple of minutes back in the swim, so didn’t pass me (though he almost caught me – he ran 16 minutes something again).

Ended up in third place. This time the goody bag contained a funny little bottle called a ‘protein shot’ made with cow excretions [not the sort people put on the roses, we imagine] and which I donated anonymously by leaving on someone’s kit. Hope it got used/drank (you are supposed to drink it aren’t you?). Just got an email to say I won a prize as well, which I fear might mean more milk-based performance products. Anyone know a vegetarian who might want them?
[This is getting quite common … Fiona and her prize for her latest marathon win… baskets of honey based products at the Chiltern Chase…. the perils of prizes! – Ed]
