Nice start time 12:30pm so did not have to leave Southampton until 9:30am. Get off train at Maidenhead and then cycle paths all the way to the Lake. With Duathalons haven taken place earlier in the day and a 90k Sportive cycle race also. Quite a sight to see such an assemblage of expensive machinery parked up on arrival. I handed my boneshaker over to the 5 star repair service on offer for an MOT on it while i ran.
In the right weather conditions this is a PB course. However a windy day on Sunday
put paid to that ambition. Dorney Lake is where the Olympic rowing events will take place, should be fun if the wind is blowing, the word cancellation springs to mind.
Two races in one, 5k one lap, 10k 2 laps, everyone starts together, so you get 10k runners crossing the 5k line before you. Went out fast but before 1k mark had gone from 2nd to 8th, not much happened position wise for next 4k crossing the 5k line about 7th but 5 of the runners continuing on meant i was 3rd placed in the 5k for which i received a goodie bag of Red Bull and energy gels (ugh)
Attempting to go sub 19mins last year i failed by 5 seconds , thought i was on course for a mid 19 this year but somehow managed to cross the line in 20mins 20 secs. The last 2.5k coming up the lake into the wind obviously did the damage.
Collected my bycycle, having been suitably serviced while i ran and with a check list of everything i need to know, such as small rip on tyre wall, front wheel alignment 0.7mm out.
Maxifeul F3 Dorney Lake 5k, Sunday April 15th.
Sidney Delara, 3rd , 20mims:20secs.