A report from the ever-busy Burgesses!
It was a busy last week of term for Verna and Stephen (15) Burgess
with 4 events in 8 days.
14th July: I was at Thame Sprint Triathlon and I was pleased with a PB
of 1:14:20 despite a crash on the bike and a frustrating swim with
overcrowded lanes. I thought the run was mega boring too – probably
will not do this one again!
Stephen was at St Albans doing an Eastern Region League event – by the
afternoon start it was burning hot and he did 29.02 and was 2nd in
his category.
17th July: This was the Waddesden 5k and is set in the grounds of the
impressive Rothschilds Waddesden Manor (National Trust). It is a fast
and furious race straight DOWN the main drive with a quick turn around
and then straight back UP. Again it was super hot. I did 22.58 (PB for
the course) and was 92/261. Stephen did 18.57, was 2nd male U17 and
was 24/261.
18th July: Stephen and I have been doing all the off road evening
triathlons at Box End Park near Bedford. This was the 3rd out of 4
races and another beautiful hot evening. We both decided to forgo a
wetsuit but this certainly slowed me down and I did not compensate for
the time I saved in transition. The hard dry ground made for a quicker
bike though and I finished in 1:17.23 and a couple of minutes off my
last time. Stephen has consistently been around the hour at these
events and did 1:02:32 and was 6/78.
21st July: Kimbolton Sprint Triathlon and another glorious day. This
was a very long day though as the younger kids races (Nathan and Zack
were in these) meant we were there for 7am and Stephen and I were not
racing till the afternoon. It was a great location though, with masses
of space and beautiful buildings. The bike course was quiet with very
little traffic and the run course was mis-measured and ended up being
4k and not 5k (some very happy people for a while thinking they did
some amazing PBs!!)
I did 1:07:59 and was 151/286 and Stephen did 54.49 was 20/286 and got
1st male U20.
I also did Ride London yesterday with a group from my running club.
Whilst not quite in the atmosphere league of the marathon I can see it
could develop that way. The organisational feat was incredible with
every side road on 100 miles coned off and marshalled and every road
hump, crossing, beacon also marked and marshalled (and the marshals
mostly smiled and encouraged even though they were there from 3.30am
to 8pm). Lots of support from residents too even though I would have
been quite grumpy at being told you are stuck in your house ALL DAY !!
We all got up Leith Hill and Box Hill (in truth easier than the
Chiltern epic climbs) and were pleased to beat Boris Johnson (just). I
did about 8 hours but actual ride time was just under 7 hours. Feed
stations were well stocked and there were a couple of vegan items I
could refuel on, along with bananas and energy drinks. For me this was
for the experience and not one to repeat. I reckon too they will never
have better ride conditions so pleased to have done it now!
Our event schedule coming up is and it would be great to know if other
Vegan Runners were competing:
11th August Bearbrook 10k
15th August Box End Park Tri
31st August Dorney Lake Tri
8th September Daventry Tri
15th September Cheltenham Half
28th September Hever Tri
29th September Roade Tri
26th October Beachy Head Marathon
Verna Burgess